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    You Graduated, Congratulations! Now What?

    You have done the impossible, which is to graduate from an academic institution. You did it, now what? It’s assumed that if you go...

    20 Pointers to a Better Interview

    You only get one change to convince an employer to hire you. Avoid playing the “woulda, coulda, shoulda” game by following these 20 interviewing...

    Life After Graduation

    Having been invited to write an article for Aftercollege, a US graduate e-magazine, I pondered on a purposeful topic. 'Life After Graduation' seemed fitting....

    Congratulations Graduate! Now What!?

    Congratulations graduate on earning that college degree! Now that you have it, what are your next steps? Have you thought about your future and...

    Teaching – the hardest job in the world.

    Education is not just the teaching and learning of knowledge and skills but it is the application of these entities in real life contexts. ...